Sunday, June 11, 2006

واعي بخَـمالكم

في موضوعي السابق عن مسؤولية بيع/شراء الأصوات ركزت على الجانب المتعلق بالناخب ، وكيف أن المرشحين يستغلون ضعفه أو جشعه (وهو ضعف أيضاً) في إقناعه لبيع صوته ، ولكن هل فعلاً غالبية بائعي أصواتهم في هذه الحالة من الضعف؟ هل من المعقول تبرئة الناخب البائع لصوته بالكامل؟ لا أعتقد ، ولكن دعونا لا نقف عند ذلك ونتعمق أكثر.

إن المرشحين ، وخاصة المتكررين والنواب السابقين منهم ، يعتبرون قادة أو رموز في المجتمع إلى حد ما ، ظهورهم الإعلامي وبروزهم الاجتماعي واقتداء مؤيديهم بهم وعملهم في حملاتهم يعطيهم بعضاً من الرمزية المعنوية ، ويصاحب تلك الرمزية مسؤولية كبيرة ، فإن كان هناك نقص في الوعي والحس الوطني عند الناخب فتقع على المرشح مسؤولية رفع مستوى الوعي العام. إذا فسد المرشح فسدت مفاتيحه ، وإن فسدت مفاتيحه فسدت قاعديته ، وهذا ينعكس بشكل عام على المجتمع.

لكن إن توقفنا هنا فإننا نعود للمثالية من جديد ، فباب الترشيح مفتوح للجميع والمرشح مواطن من عامة الشعب قبل أن يصبح مرشحاً ذا رمزية ، وقد يكون فاسداً حتى قبل أن يترشح ، لذلك دعونا نتعمق أكثر.

هناك من يضع اللوم الأول والأخير على الناخب كونه هو صاحب الاختيار ، ويعتقد أن أساس المشكلة هو غياب الوعي أو الحس الوطني عند الناخب ، وهو لوم في محله ولا أختلف معه ، ولكن برأيي أن الوعي لا يخلق من عدم ولا يتحقق دون تطبيق صارم للقانون.

لا توجد دولة واحدة - ولا دولة - في العالم المتحضر قائمة على وعي مواطنيها دون تطبيق القانون ومعاقبة المخطئ فيهم ، فلو كان الوعي وحده كافياً لقيادة السيارة لما احتاجت الدول لقوانين المرور ، ولو كان الوعي كافياً بخطورة المخدرات لما احتاجت الدول لقوانين تعاقب مهربيها ، ولو كان الوعي كافياً بخطورة السلاح لما احتاجت الدول لقوانين تنظم اقتناءه ، ولو كان الوعي كافياً لاختيار المرشح الصالح لما احتاجت الدول لقوانين تجرم الرشوة.

هذا يجرنا لأن نطرح سؤال المليون كما يقولون: من المسؤول عن تطبيق القانون ومعاقبة المخطئ؟

ما أسمع .. قلت الحكومة؟ .... صح ح ح ح ح!!ـ

حسب المادة ١٢٣ من الدستور "يهيمن مجلس الوزراء على مصالح الدولة ، ويرسم السياسة العامة للحكومة ، ويتابع تنفيذها ، ويشرف على سير العمل في الإدارات الحكومية" ، والمادة ١٣٠ "يتولى كل وزير الإشراف على شؤون وزارته ويقوم بتنفيذ السياسة العامة للحكومة فيها ، كما يرسم اتجاهات الوزارة ويشرف على تنفيذها" ، ذلك يعني إذا تقاعس مجلس الوزراء والوزراء في مهامهم فعلى مصالح الدولة السلام.

عملية شراء الأصوات في مختلف الدوائر الانتخابية تحدث أمام مرأى ومسمع رئيس مجلس الوزراء ووزير الداخلية المسؤول عن ملاحقتها ، وفي نفس الوقت يعتقدان أن المواطن بدرجة من الغباء تجعله يصدق تصريحات الحكومة بأن "المواطن واعي وماكو الا العافية" ، وربما قد أصابا بقولهما أن المواطن واعي ولكنه وعي من نوع آخر ، فالمواطن بلا شك واعي بأسماء المرشحين المشترين للأصوات ، وواعي بأساليب البيع والشراء ، وواعي بأن عراب الثلاثي هو أكبر مموليهم ، وواعي بأن رئيس مجلس الوزراء ونائبه عاجزان عن مواجهته.

نكررها ، من لا يستطيع أن يفي بقسمه باحترام الدستور وقوانين الدولة ، ومن لا يستطيع أن يتخذ قراراً ضمن اختصاصه فليقص الحق من نفسه وليتنحى جانباً ، فالكويت أكبر من أن تكون محوراً لصراع أطراف السلطة فيما بينها على حساب خراب البلد.

موضوع متصل:

السنعوسي للبي بي سي عن التدخل الحكومي في الانتخابات:

ـ"انها ليست المرة الاولى وليست الاخيرة التي يطرح فيها ذلك ولا ادري من هم الاطراف لأنني طيلة أيام حياتي لم أواجه مثل ذلك وكمواطن لا أستطيع ان أتفق او أكذب هذا الطرح."ـ

الحين حاطينك متحدث رسمي للحكومة وتصرح "كمواطن"! بوطارق الله يهديه مثل المشتهي بس مستحي ، وده وده يقر بس مو قادر فأحسن شيء يقوله لا أؤكد ولا أنفي ، وانتو فهموها.ـ


آخر الموضوع:ـ

باسم المغتربين خارج الكويت أشكر الزميل بوجويس على تسجيل برامج قناة "نبيها تحالف" ، وأتمنى من القائمين على القناة أن يبثوها على الانترنت.ـ


Trina Flowers said...

Kuwait has fairly good laws; some are outdated, but the problem is the law is implemented and enforced based on wasta not the rule of law. Therefore, many criminals get away with minor infractions to murder while at the same time innocent people and/or victims not only do not receive justice they are many times subjected to further punishment!
And all of this is with the full knowledge of the ministers as many cases have already proven for those that follow this type of corruption.

ولاّدة سابقاً ... رانيا السعد ...رانية المنيفي حسب الأوراق الرسمية said...

فعلاً من أَمِنَ العقوبة أساء الأدب وهذا هو واقع الحال في عملية شراء الأصوات ولعل الحل في لجان رقابية دولية محايدة

nanonano said...

أنا بس ودّي أعرف شنو صار بتركيبة الكويتي العشرين سنه اللي فاتوا...ليش جذي أسترخصوا روحهم...و صار كلشي بفلوس...و أنا أتكلم عن المرشح و الناخب ليش كلشي صار ينشرا و ينباع

Shurouq said...


الناس على دين ملوكهم

Alia said...


الله لا يقول نكون على دين عوير وزوير

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...


حاولوا تكتبون مقالات مكثفة في هالفترة عن الانتخابات

يوم الخميس شياب الشاليه يتحلطمون عليكم يقولون مو كل يوم يكتبون

يالله يعطيكم العافية و انشاءالله نحصل مردود على هالجهد

Zaydoun said...

ما عجبتني كلمة "يهيمن"... وايد سلبية وواضح أنهم هيمنوا وفشلوا بنفس الوقت

جنديف... مثل ما قال مطقوق، كثروا الدوس والمقالات

رشيد الخطار said...

إن شاء الله سنحاول الكتابة قدر الإمكان

اليوم الساعة التاسعة على قناة الراي، عصام الدبوس وخالد الفضالة (من شباب نبيها 5)
على الهواء مباشرة

Arfana said...

I think corruption comes from another main factor, that's fluidity! There is no clear responsibility matrix within the government to pinpoint who's to blame!!!

For example, when reporting rashawi to any makhfar mu7taram, citizens are told that this isn't in their jurisdiction and should take it up to "adella jena2eya".

Same applies to other civilian problems: mail, water....etc

If this is left so fluid, corruption will find even more ways to go around the law

(madri laish thikart: ring around a rosey... ashes... ashes...)

Hanan said...

Thank you for the ta7aluf link. I can't get the channel in my house.

I think a big part of the problem isn't just the lack of moral standards that allow some candidate to buy their votes, a bigger problem is the general tendency within Kuwaiti houses not to care much about the elections. A sensibility that goes hand in hand with their submissie realization that what the government wants, the government gets. Most people don't care much about buying and selling because they think all this is a governmental game, so if there is profit in it for me, why not play the game with them?

A very sad situation. And a very smart endeavor by the government. Yes you can have a parliament. But if we don't like how things are run, we'll dissolve it, once and again and again. What does the general public get from all this? Elections are a scam. Why bother?

Sorry if my comment dragged :)

Anonymous said...

انا اعتقد انه المواطن الكويتي اصبح مواطن مادي ..يطمح دائما لأن يعيش على مستوى معين من خصوصا بعد ان صار كل شي في متناول اليد سواء اللبس و السيارة و الاكل و البيت

و بالتالي المادة اصبحت مغريه و مؤثر قوي على حياه الناس سواء للرجل او المرأة قليله جدا نسبه الناس الزاهدة او المتواضعه بالنسبه للمستوى المعيشي المرتجى

في ناس تقول ناخذ الفلوس و نسد قرض ، في ناس تقول نسد الفيزا قبل السفر..في ناس تبي تبي تسافر و في ناس تبي جنطه

و الكل يعتقد انه صوته مو فارق للأسف

انا وايد اؤيد فكرة انه الحكومة او حتى الجهات الاسلاميه اللي تعارض الرشوة ..تصدر فتاوى دينيه تحرم الرشوه او على الاقل تبيح بأن الحلف على القراّن في مسأله محرم لا يعتبر حلف ملزم خل الناس تحلف على المصحف و تاخذ الفلوس و تصوت حق اللي تبيه

وهذا طبعا اضعف الايمان

الحكومة المفروض تثبت حسن النوايا بأن تعلن حمله اعلاميه في التلفزيون و الصحافه تحارب فيها الرشوة و شراء الاصوات و على غرار حملات ترشيد استهلاك المياه

Jandeef said...

رشيد وبوجويس وباقي الطيبين

يا ريت أحد فيكم يحسن علينا ويسجل لنا حوار الدبوس والفضالة على قناة الراي الساعة تسع اليوم

lawyer said...

اذا الحكومه اهي الي تدفع لهم عشان يشترون تبيهم يطبقون اي قانون

اكو احد يطبق القانون على عمره

اهم عرفو القانون عشان يتهربون منه

عمرك شفت واحد يعدم نفسه.؟؟؟

و حتى لو واحد يبعاقب عمره يسموونه منتحر

Trina Flowers said...

Let me throw something out for you to all think and blog about if the administrators don't mind.

You all keep discussing the upcoming elections and the near future of Kuwait and wonder why the government wants the status quo to remain.

How come no one including the government is serious in discussing Kuwait's future say in 25 or 50 years from now? Most people are "in the moment" and what they can get right now. WHY?

Why is the government in particular the ruling family's thinking also along that same line? Do they know something that perhaps you all should know too?

Trina Flowers said...


I understand what you're saying, but I am trying to get people to read between the following lines:

Why is the government in particular the ruling family's thinking also along that same line? Do they know something that perhaps you all should know too?

Let me put it this way about Jamal:
he wouldn't allow certain TCNs to file their valid complaints at the National Assembly, when I went on their behalf he lied to me and others, did nothing and behind my back and then to my face called me a liar. Then I showed back up with ALL the evidence from Kuwait's own various ministries and was told since judges were involved in the corruption the Parliament couldn't investigate and therefore, no human rights violations had occurred even though people had died needlessly (well documented in Kuwait).

I hate to be so vague; however, when I tried to get help from EVERY Kuwait government entity and the NGOs ALL were too arrogant (thinking they could get away with ALL). Now I have organizations (outside Kuwait) that will expose ALL of this on an international level. As it is well known, they want the exclusive and I have to honor that.

But I have checked your blog out.
By the way, why did you change your picture?

bo9ali7 said...

النائب السابق مشاري العنجري تكلم في مقابلة له في قناة نبيها تحالف و تطرق حق نقطه مهمه جداً, اقترح اقتراح واقعي على المشايخ. مضمون الاقتراح ان الناخب اللي يبع صوته ويصوت حق المرشح المرتشي يكون قد ارتكب اثمين, فمن الاولى ان يبيع صوته فقط دون ان ينتخب المرشح المرتشي وبذلك يكون قد ارتكب اثم واحد.

Q8Maverick said...

try this website... it gives 25GB storage place and download rate of 100KB/S... it's free

you can create links after you upload the files

I'm currently testing the site with one of your files you already uploaded and it looks fine

Q8Maverick said...

I finally found the best one BuJwais, try this one very fast download rate (I'm downloading at 300KB/S with this hosting site)

Trina Flowers said...


Sometimes we must take vast amounts of information that are seemingly unrelated and/or irrelevant but when synthesized into the same matrix makes a perfect scene of the bigger picture.

As is also well known "timing is everything" and my main objective is to help the literally hundreds of thousands of victims of the Kuwaiti corrupt machine; a great by-product of that is exposing to mainly Kuwaitis but also the international community of what the Kuwait government really is and my hope that it will then reform itself for the good of ALL!

Trina Flowers said...


Ahh, Grasshopper now is NOT the time.

"Give people enough rope and they will hang themselves."

I hate to tell you this but the election of 29 June is already a foregone conclusion; let what must come to pass, come to pass then one can nail more of them and get rid of them once and for all instead of the royal BS that is going on now.

"Patience is a virtue" and frankly I didn't learn that until I came to Kuwait--go figure!

"All good things come to those that wait" and I've been waiting for years now, a little while longer is nothing for me or for the Kuwaiti people who have been waiting even longer.

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

ما طلع الفضالة؟؟ شسالفة؟

DonZz said...

thank you very much for your links. you are keeping us updated and informed with what kuwait is really going through. thank you once again.

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

عجيبة المقابلة

انا مسجلها حق اللي يبيها

Trina Flowers said...


I'm referring to issues beneath the surface.

As always, time will tell who is right or wrong and it won't really be of any consequence for me as I'm not Kuwaiti, but if I was I'd be asking for a lot more transparency and evidence of the concrete plans.

After all, many Kuwaitis and sectors of the international community complain constantly about the government always talking the talk, but never walking the walk.

All you have to do to verify this is to review your own country's history or its own laws that aren't abided by.

By the way, since you're bedwin yella hiyou.

ohyah said...

ليش صار المواطن الكويتي مادي؟

بلادنا الكويت هيه شركه تجاريه وفوقها علم


المستفيدين من هذي الشركه اهم اهل الفساد اللي اهم من الاساس مؤسسين الشركه هذي

كانو يمصون في دم المواطن الكويتي من بداية تاسيس شركة دولة الكويت الا ان صار الغزو الصدامي الغاشم .. انكشفت الرؤيه عدل قدام المواطن العادي اللي مثلي ومثلك ... عرف انه الخرافي يسرق .. الصقر يسرق .. الغانم يسرق .. الكل يسرق من الكل .. وغيره وغيره وغيره وغيره

بس المواطن كان ساكت لانه الديره بغزو ومو وقته نتكلم عن سوالف جذي .. لازم نتلم على بعض ولما اترد الديره انشاله الكل بيتوب ... صار تحرير الشركه كانت احلى فرصه حق الكويت انها تبدا من يديد .. كان ماكو جاليات .. كانت الكويت بس مواطنين فا كان من المفروض من مداراء الشركه يقومون في تضبيطها من الصفر .. بما انه الشعب كان حار وده يشتغل ويرد الديره مثل الاول .. بس للاسف قامت سيدة الكويت الاولى ماما لطيفه في جلب 20 الف مصري في شركه وهميه سنة 1993 .. 40 الف جلبهم احمد الفهد وغيره وغيره كا مواطن عادي مثلي .. اقول الحين هذا شيخ عنده كل الفلوس .. اسمه يفتح له ابواب يتاجر بالاقامات .. شخلوا حق المواطنين المساكين اللي مثلنا عيل
فا الصار الكل مادي بما انه شركة دولة الكويت فيها مال سايب .. والمال السايب يعلم السرقه

سراق المال العام
المدينة الاعلاميه
شركة الساحل
برقان القابضه
ازمة سوق البورصه
ازمة الدبابات سنة 1996
صندوق الخيار وصل 6 دنانير بالجيش
شوفوا وزير الطاقه شنو قاعد يسوي الحين بالوزارات اللي تحت ايده
وغيره وغيره وغيره
كثيره هيه عمليات السرقه و الحراميه ناس من مؤسسين هذي الدوله

اللي يبوق قبل الغزو يقولون عنه حرامي ... بس اللي يبوق الحين يقولون عنه شاطر هذي

ولا ديره مافيها بريد!!! بريد يا عالم ما عندنا عفيه على ديره جذي

Q8Maverick said...

I'm uploading the files..

send me your email so I can let you know when I finish uploading them and send you the links

jkjkj said...

نتيجة تصويت تلفزيون الراي

هل تؤيد تقليص الدوائر الانتخابيه الى خمس؟

نعم 85%
لا 15%

Eb9ara7a and his Wife said...

موضوع ممتاز
بالنسبة لشراء الأصوات : اذا كان رب البيت بالدف ضاربٌ فشيمةُ أهل بيته الرقصُ

خبر طريف لترطيب الجو
أخو صديق إستلمت إحدى زميلات دوامه جنطة شانيل اتضح انها تقليد كرشوة مبدئية للوقوف مع جمال العمر
و الغريب إن اخو هذي البنية اهو اللي اييب الجناط التقليد من شرق آسيا
يعني حتى بالرشوة فساد و غش و نصب

Anonymous said...

يقول أحمد السعدون عن كرسي الوزير في ندوة باسل الراشد قبل شهر ---- مادري شنو في هالكرسي ؟ ما ادري شنو حاطين فيه ما ادري صمغ ولا قار من يقعد عليه لزق والظاهر ان انس الرشيد كان حاط مانع من شذي صارت قومته وايد سهله لما قام
وصدق بو عبدالعزيز

الكويتي الحر said...


كلامك صحيح ومقولة الفاروق عمر بن الخطاب (ان الله يزع بالسلطان ما لا يزع بالقرآن) هذه المقولة تؤكد عدم ترك الامور لضمائر الناس بل يجب المحاسبه بالسلطة والقانون
وعلى قولة اخوانا المصريين " الناس تخاف ما تختشيش"

Unknown said...

الاخ رشيد:
كتابتكم فيها تناقض مع مبدأكم ورأيكم فى الحكومة الحالية
انتم تقولون الحكومة فاسدة فكيف يراد منها ان تطبق قانون هى من تخترقه من أجل ايصال نوابها
فالمقابل هو لا يوجد سوى نوعين من التوعية التوعية الدينية وهى الطريق الاسهل لقليلى ومحدودى التعليم وذلك لمخاطبتها المشاعر
واضافة التوعية الوطنيه بمفاهيمها لاصحاب التعليم والتوجه الوطنى ولكن قليلى الخبرة فى هذا المجال
هذا ما لاحظته ان خاطبت خاطب الناس يما يحبون ولكنكم تخاطبون الناس وكانهم على مستوى واحد من التعليم والثقافة

Trina Flowers said...


I don't want you to have to review anything since you seem opposed to it, but if you were to review other comments I've posted and letters and reports I've written (all made public, in fact one such report included classified material that went to the Pentagon) you would know that I have named plenty of them. I also called them exactly what they are and to their face at that including the terrorists!

Mother Courage said...

انا اللي مستغربة منة ان الكويت قبل و الكويتيين ايام قبل ميتين من الفقر و نفسهم عزيزة مايرضى بفلس حمر حرام .... شفيهم الناس هالايام؟ اذا مو هامته الكويت ... وين كرامتة؟؟

لعن الله الراشي و المرتشي

Trina Flowers said...


You did not misunderstand me. Thank you, that's all I'm trying to do is get Kuwaitis to think of the reasons why the ruling family (the executive members) would want the literal destruction of Kuwait to continue.

Some may want to dig even deeper and find out what remarks then Foreign Minister Sheik Sabah made to the coalition members when Kuwait was trying to get international help after Saddam invaded Kuwait.

Trina Flowers said...


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it will get worse!

I knew shortly after I arrived in Kuwait in 1999 and started researching many aspects of life there that within 10 years people should plan on going back to their own countries or in the case of Kuwaitis picking a new one to move to (even though in the beginning I truly loved Kuwait and enjoyed each day there for several years).

You have good reason to be terrified; after living and witnessing the reality due to corruption at every government institution at every level...well suffice it to say that the time for exposure was and is at hand and the continuous lies and/or denials of and by the government are over whether they even realize it or not i.e., "they've made their bed, now they will have to lie in it."

The one who wants to go down in history as some kind of savior will in fact go down the tyrant he really is.

Hazolat said...

أكيد ماكو محاسبة على أشياء وايد
شيلوا الصباح من عرجهم
نبي الكويتيين يحكمون

Zaydoun said...


Where can I find all the information that you have documented and that you're willing to share?

And what did he say to the coalition at the time??

Mother Courage said...

انا مو حارني بالموضوع كثر الناس اللي تتكلم عن الفساد بالكويت و عن الاصلاح وهم عتصر فعال ... خالد الهلال ماكان مستشار سالم صباح السالم ؟؟ كان يشق و يخيط بالدفاع .. عيّن ناس كثير من اهله و اصدقائه وستفاد من المنصب و الحين جاي يتكلم عن الاصلاح ؟

بسكم نفاق

Unknown said...

People willing to sell their votes are usually without any ethics. They are responsible for the large percentage of corruption in Kuwait. As in every aspect of their life, they will spread corruption. They'd accept bribes in their work, use their job position for their own interests, abuse the weak, etc. Unfortunately, this is widespread. Many are asking for the corruption to end but in reality, you will find a large percentage of them are contributing to it by using Wasta, etc. If you want the corruption to end, you have to start with in yourself. Review your life and see whether you are contributing to it. Ask yourself some of these questions:
Do you accept bribes in form of cash or presents in your work?
Do you use job position in the ministries for your own private business?
If you work in a listed company, do you use the private information to making profits at KSE?
If your boss travels, do you leave work earlier because he doesn't know?
When you were a student at the university, did you pressure any of the teachers into giving you a higher grade by using Wasta?
If you work at the ministry and a family member or friend asks you to finish some needed paperwork, do they treat them better because they're family? Do you finish your friends' paperwork faster than others?
Do you treat your maids/drivers fairly? Do you give them their salaries promptly? Or do you let them work for over 16 hours a day with no days off? Would it be okay for you if your boss treats you the way you treat your maids/drivers? Many of them will say no because deep down, they know they are treating them like slaves.

Kuwait won't change until we start to change within ourselves. We have to change how we do things in every aspect of our life otherwise, we'd be a bunch of hypocrites.

This ayah sums it from sorah ra3d ayah 11
"إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ"
and for people who don't speak arabic, here is the translation of the ayah "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)."

nEo said...

جريدة الوطن(مكمرم القارئ) تتبنى حملة مكافحة شراء الأصوات

مو قلت لكم ان هل جريدة دمها خفيف !!

لا و حاطين خط ساخن للبلاغات !!


! said...

هازولت ,

اعتقد ان هذا الموضوع مافي المجال النقاش فيه ,الله لا يغير علينا واعتقد ان الدستور واضح الحكم وراثي من ذرية مبارك ؟؟؟؟؟

بس هذا ما يمنع ان انعلق وننتقد ونحاسب اي شخص غلطان سواء كان من الصباح او لا ؟؟؟؟؟

Mother Courage said...


صح لسانك .. النظام القبلي نظام قديم و اكل الدهر علية و شرب ... الصباح الشرف الوحيد والانجاز العظيم اللي الواحد ممكن يذكرة هو الشيخ عبدالله السالم الله يرحمة برحمتة و الا الباقي حتى مو كفو كلمة شيخ

ALQANOON said...

q8i in disguise

والله لو على القروض ميخالف
لكن يطلع قرار منع البنغلاديشيين من دخول الكويت
وبعد زياره رئيسه وزرائهم ينلغي القرار
هذا اللي يغث ويبط الجبد صج
والله المفروض يصير تحرك شعبي حق قضيه البنغلاديشيين
لانهم فعلا صاروا يهددون الامن بالكويت
ادري قضيه الانتخابات شاغله الكل
لكن هالقضيه لا تقل اهميه
يا ناس هالجنسيه صارت مافيا بمعنى الكلمه
عصابات منظمه
تزوير وخطف وسرقات ودعاره
تعدادهم بالكويت وصل 350 الف
وكلهم عماله هامشيه
لازم تكون لنا وقفه من هالقضيه

Arfana said...

ضمير الوطن
Trina Flower,

I read Al nafisi's article.
Are you saying there's a plan to dissolve Kuwait all together?

What about Al Khalaf's article, could you please let us know where to find it?

Mother Courage said...
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Mother Courage said...


انا قاعدة اتكلم عن خالد الهلال مالي شغل منو جده و منو خاله و منو عمة ... وهو ماقصر بالمناقصات سوا اللي ماسوه ناس بمنصب لواء ... لوسمحت لاتدخل العوائل بافعال افراد

badria said...

باديء ذي بدء , اريد ان اعتذر مقدما عن الأخطاء المطبعية التي من المحتمل ان اكررها على مرأى القارئين ( ان وجدوا ) ثانيا اريد ان اعتذر عن سوء الفهم او اللبس الذي من الممكن ان يؤذي بعض القارئين ( ان وجدوا ) و ارجو ان يكون ذلك مقبولا و مبررا , حيث انه لا يوجد النسان الكامل ما بين البشر , إضافة الى ان اختلاف الراي هو امر مشروع , و العبرة بالصدق و سلامة النية .

بمناسبة الأنتخابات , احب ان اسجل رأيى و ملاحظاتي كمواطنة كويتية حول بعض الأحداث الراهنة .
بداية , احب ان اعبر عن صدق فرحتي في تمتعي بحق الأنتخاب و الترشيح لمجلس الأمة , استطيع ان اقول انني الأن فقط احسست بكامل مواطنتي , و بدون الخوض بالأسباب و النتائج لآلية ذلك الأكتساب , الا انيي اشعر بالفرحة للسماح لي بالتعبير عن رأيي علنا , و الأستتماع لمختلف الطروحات السياسية , احمد الله كثيرا على ذلك و اتمنى ( و الخوف يملأ صدري ) ان لا يقوم اي احد او جهة بمصادرة حقي السياسي , بحجة الدين او الأخلاق او غيره , كما حصل للمرأ الأفغانية بعد تولي معسكر الجهل و التخلف " طالبان " الحكم هناك .
بالأمس مررت على المخيم الإنتخابي لأحد المرشحين " الدسمين جدا " . ذهبت لزيارته لرؤية ذلك الشخص الغريب في نظري , غريب لا لشكله او طريق كلامه او ملبسه لا ... لا غريب لأني كنت اتساءل , ما السبب في ان يقوم انسان بمثل مقام ذلك المرشح الدسم جدا بترشيح
نفسه ؟ ماذا يريد ؟ فهو , و اهله , شخص ثري جدا جدا , و يكاد يملك كل ما يريد , او كل ما يمكن ان يتمناه الأنسان, وهو نتيجة لوضعه ال" سوبر " يستطيع ان يتكلم بأي شيء و يناقش اي موضوع ... هو ببساطة " سوبر " ف ماذا يريد من مجلس الأمة وجاهة ؟ عنده ما يكفي , سمعة و سلطة و طموح ؟ ايضا عنده ما يكفي . خدمة الكويت ؟ انا افهم خدمة الكويت على انها خدمة الشعب .. اي خدمة الكويتيين , فأين هو من ذلك ؟ يكفي الطريقة الفوقية المترفعة التي تمت بها معاملة النساء بالأمس لمعرفة ان المرشح ال "سوبر " لا علاقة له بمفهوم الشعبية , حيث استاءت جموع النسوة من الطريقة التي تم بها استقبالهن من العاملات بحملة المرشح , و كأن الناخبات قد جئن عنوة او كأنهن فرضن انفسهن على فتات موائد السي ال "سوبر "
نرجع للسؤال , لم اذن يرشح السيد الدسم جدا جدا نفسه للإنتخابات ؟
هذا ما سأخبركم به مساء اليوم ز و شكرا

Arfana said...

ضمير الوطن

شكرا شكرا و شكرا

Arfana said...

ضمير الوطن

thanx for the info. for all i know this is an old strategy and yes it could be accomplished within the next 50 years or so.

I just don't see how the royal family stand relates to this? I mean they keep giving up land and oil resources to KSA... they shouldn't care so much about the 5 in that case.

unless there's something else happenning?

badria said...

السلام عليكم
إستكمالا لما كتبته في الملاحظة السابقة فإن هذا المرشح (الدسم جدا)بما يملكه من إمكانيات هائلة إنما يسعى للمزيد من السلطة و التسلط , فإن كان توفر المال هو الأساس لفرض النفوذ و السلطة فإن وجاهة عضوية البرلمان هي التي تضفي تلك الهالة من العظمة و التقديس لشخصه و لإسمه و لإسم عائلته , و لكسب المزيد من المال , و لما لا؟ تعزيز المال بمزيد من المال , و هم لا يكتفون
إن ضخامة إستعدادات الحملة الإنتخابية لذلك المرشح و فجاجة البذخ خدشا بساطة الناخبين اللذين بهروا من الوضع , و استشعروا بنوع من الدونية و الإستصغار مقابل مظاهر المال الفجة.
نحن نقول للمرشح الدسم جدا بأن يفسح المجال لغيره إن لم يكن للمرشحين الوطنيين , فعلى الأقل لمن هم أقل منه جاه و ثراء
إن التنافس المحموم لإلتهام ما تبقى من الكعكة ( يصل فائض ميزانية 2006 إلى11 مليار دينار ) قد بلغ بعدا جديدا , و مؤشرا خطيرا في شراسة الهجمة على الوفرة المالية التي يوفرها النفط , و التي يتنبأ بدنو قطف ثمارها في الدورة البرلمانية للسنوات الأربعة القادمة , حيث أن التنافس إنحصر بصورة رئيسة ما بين معسكرين إثنين شلة الفساد المتمسكة بالسلطة حاليا و العائلات العريقة الثرية و التي تعتقد أنها أكثر نباهة و أحق من الفريق الأول بالتمتع بالكويت و ثرواتها .
مذا بشأن الكويتيين ..... الناخبين ؟ هذ ما سنبحثه في المرة القادمة

Eb9ara7a and his Wife said...

جريدة الحرامية تقود حملة ضد الفساد في الإنتخابات
ما سيحصل عند الاتصال بهم لتقديم بلاغ هو كالتالي
ترن ترن
المتصل : الو الوطن ، ببلغ عن المرشح فلان العلاني بالمنطقة العلانية اللي يشتري أصوات بالطريقة الفلانية

الوطن : مشكور و ما قصرت على حسّك الوطني
ترن ترن
الوطن : الو مرشحنا فلان العلاني ، علامك فضيحة ترى شباب نبيها خمسة و شباب ضد الفساد طايحين على طريقتك الفلانية

المرشح الفاسد : سامحوني ترى من كثر الشغل قمت اخورها ، و الحين بحاول أدبرلي تكتيك ييديد غير اللي طاحوا عليه الشباب


Trina Flowers said...


Thanks for providing the info on where to find the articles. I hope the readers will read them.


Great comments.

making a difference in q8,

Great comments as well.

to all of the above and zaydoun, bujwais, arfana, and all readers:

I understand how serious this business of corruption is; I've been fighting it for years mostly by myself and then eventually with a little help. Thank God for what you all have now done and keep doing. I only wish we could have worked together sooner.

As for all the information I've released in Kuwait and outside Kuwait let me tell you a few people and/or places where you can get it, if they are willing to share it with you:

former MPs Jamal al-Omar, Dr Waleed al-Tabtabaei, AbdulMohsen al-Jamal, Ahmed Baqer and other employees working in Parliament

Amiri Diwan: Sheiks Sabah, Khaled, Thamer, Mohammed and Sami al-Nesfi (the media guy)

Foreign Affairs: Sheik Dr Mohammed, Faisal al-Mudhaf (even though he threatened me), Amer al-Mutairi, Raed al-Rifae

Ministries and/or other Kuwait government authorities: Communications, Justice, the Audit Bureau, Interior, Information, Council of Ministers, Citizens Services and Governmental Assessment Agency, Social Affairs and Labor

Kuwait Newspapers: ALL of them; including the Associated Press, however, the Arab Times wrote me and said I was trouble with a capital T

Human Rights Organizations: ALL of them: Jassem al-Qattam

Kuwait Trade Federation: Thabet al-Haroun (now in charge of the ILO in Kuwait)

Kuwait Lawyers' Society and numerous Kuwaiti lawyers including Ali al-Baghli, AbdulRahman al-Humaidan to name a couple

American Embassy in Kuwait: Sean Murphy, Charles Glatz, Richard Jones, Richard LeBaron, Norana Chabaro to name a few

United States:

US State Department; Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Elizabeth Kirincich

the Pentagon, military intelligence

US Congress: a number of senators

the FBI

Homeland Security

United Nations Human Rights Commission

Human Rights Watch

England: Amnesty International

Kuwait Embassy in Washington, DC

Canada: newspapers and writers

This is by far not the complete list but it should get you started.

The world's movers and shakers have drawn maps of the future world; on these maps there is no Kuwait anymore.

Many jokes have an element of truth in them and I'm going to tell you one but know I mean no disrespect, I'm trying to make a point that I hope you all understand:

The year is 2032 and a man and his 10 year-old son are in Manhatten when they come upon a monument. The boy reads the plaque and then says "Dad what were the twin towers?" The father replies: "Son those were the buildings the Arabs destroyed 30 years ago." They continue on and then the son looks up at his dad and says: "Dad what are Arabs?"

When Saddam invaded Kuwait Colin Powell was asked by the media if the US would help Kuwait. He responded no, only if Saddam went in to Saudi Arabia. Sheik Jaber, et al, were working to get international help to evict Saddam and threw lots of money at the problem. When the coalition asked how forceful do you want the eviction it was reported it didn't matter as long as the family got the LAND back.

The raw naked truth is something many people do NOT really want to know or have to deal with since that kind of medicine can be a bitter pill to swallow.

What you all do with the information you all have since the beginning and what you do with it will make all the difference. People will resist you; it's the nature of the beast. But remember "knowledge is power."

Arfana said...


I’m curious, how come you chose these MP’s to share information with? This isn’t an attack; just a legitimate question to understand your judgment factors.

ضمير الوطن
Thank you for the clarification my friend.
I’m just wondering how much of a problem the 5 would be to them.... it’s so far fetched in relation to what they’ve already done! Specially with the time line Trina provided!

Aaaaaaah even more araf :-(

Trina Flowers said...


When I first began this fight as a human rights defender I sought out those responsible in these fields. I didn't know who they were or anything about them. I chose them because of the positions they held in the government as law-abiding responsible individuals. That's how I began to learn of how corrupt the Kuwaiti machine is and that's why I fought harder and how I gathered more evidence and began the fight against corruption and for government reform (because there are Americans involved too).

These people decided I was a nobody, nothing from nowhere that couldn't do anything and was not a threat; therefore, they behaved in their true nature and I got to record all of it.

However, as I became more known and they realized I wasn't as stupid as they thought (the foreign woman infidel thing) Sheik Sabah had me illegally arrested, illegally imprisoned and then illegally deported. (Sheik Thamer Jaber Ahmed wanted me killed, but because of my being so public it would have caused them more problems.)

If you were to google my name (trina flowers is my real name, not a nom de plume) along with key words such as kuwait, corruption, human rights you will find a number of sights and press releases about what happened.

And that's only the tip of the ice berg!

Arfana said...


I'm sorry you had to go through this alone!

you no longer are.

what action do you have in mind?

Trina Flowers said...


At the end of my post sights should be sites.

Unknown said...


I am surprised that you think that Kuwait will no longer exist in the future. When I or other Arabs discuss these issues such as greater plans in Middle East with other Westerners, they think we're paranoid.

! said...

شايب ,

الخرافي = حرامي , ناقل اصوات , مزور , كاذب الخ

wakee7 said...

وام كوريج

احنا الكويتيين نختلف براينا بينا وبين بعض او بينا وبين الحكومة لكن يظل الاحترام موجود ونفتخر بعايلة حاكمتنا من 300 سنة والتفت بره الكويت وشوف الفرق عن الدول الثانية

والصباح مو نازلين من السماء .. فيهم الزين وفيهم الشين حالهم حال اي عايلة ثانية

والكلام اللي قلته (شيلوا الصباح) ما قاله الا العراقيين ايام الغزو والظاهر انك من مخلفاتهم

Unknown said...

There would be a Kuwait without oil but it would be a poor country. We existed before oil and Inshallah, we shall exist without it. Kuwaitis have managed to survive in a desert area for over 350 years without oil. Have some faith in fellow Kuwaitis. We're good at surviving. True, Kuwaitis are a very pampered with no income tax, free healthcare and free education, etc. When the oil starts to deplete, the government would have to finance its expenditure through tax revenues and debt like any other country. Tax income is inevitable. What we need now is spend our oil revenues in improving Kuwait's infra structure and amending and enforcing laws so it can survive the transition. Unfortunately, what is going on here is that oil revenues get wings to travel to US and European investment markets and little is spent in improving the country's infra structure. We need to improve our educational system so we can produce thinkers and scientists. Knowledge is Power. Through knowledge and our religion, we can empower ourselves and survive. I do believe when oil starts to deplete, some people, who have already secured their future by having duel citizenship and stealing public money, will leave but others, who are loyal to Kuwait, will stay. Our great grandfathers lived in Kuwait without oil and we shall survive without it as well.

Unknown said...

As for water scarcity in Kuwait, according to a recent report, Kuwait is one of the few countries in the world with no natural water resources and is number 1# in Middle East in its lack of water natural resources. We rely on distilling the sea water. The government are planning to build another distilling water plant soon but there are problems with who gets the monaqasa. What we should worry about is Iran's nuclear power. Kuwait can be wiped out if Iran continues with its nuclear projects. Do you realize Iran's nuclear power is only 120km away from Kuwait City. It's even closer to us than Kuwaiti-Saudi border. One mistake can have us all wiped out. Look at Chernobyl mess, the infected area cannot be lived in for another millions of years because of nuclear pollution. I don't care whether Iran wants to use to generate electricity or build an atomic bomb, what I am worried about is how close the power plant to Kuwait and the human error side of it. Russia and US had some leaks to its nuclear plants due to human errors and they have the best technology. What if Iran had a leak to its nuclear power plant, we can kiss Gulf Sea goodbye because it would be too polluted to swim in or even use it for distilling. We wouldn't have water AT ALL because we rely on distilling water. Kuwaitis can survive without oil but cannot survive nuclear leaks and pollution.

Trina Flowers said...


You or anyone can email me at:


Thank you! I've been fighting this battle for more than 4 years. Only Kuwaitis can decide what they should do to help their country.

For years I told people that when the Kuwaiti youth finally got fed up and revolted then things would start to change and you have begun that with your Orange Movement.

As I said before you will be met with a lot of resistance and knowing which politicians you can trust (if there really is any) is almost impossible.

I had already made several suggestions to the powers that be but of course, I was not taken seriously. Ironically, I told them that something like your Orange Movement would happen one day and they told me the youth was too lazy, wanted to play and have fun, and would never revolt against the establishment because corruption and wasta was their future.

When I argued that it was destroying the country and hurting the youth; they just laughed at me.

I will say this: there is one who may NOT be totally corrupted yet, but he is like the rest of them under SS's thumb. What Kuwait needs is a strong leader not a bunch of weak followers!


Thank you so much. If you got that angry imagine how angry I must be after more than 4 years, being arrested several times, being threatened with my reputation and even my life, being humiliated time and time again, being handcuffed and put in leg irons, being in prison when I committed no crime, being denied food and medical care, being thrown out of my apartment onto the street and my personal property including my identification stolen, never receiving justice all in order to protect criminal Kuwaitis, etc.

I did seek help of the American government and because of a pending lawsuit I am unable to disclose much but I can tell you there was a conspiracy that was confirmed by the lawyers now involved.

I was of course blacklisted from ever entering Kuwait again but it is not in the realm of impossiblity to meet on other ground.

I have written a book and because of the impending legal action and meetings in the near future I can't release it just yet.

If you will email me at the above address I gave I will send you some concrete evidence from Kuwait ministries (justice and interior) to prove one of my claims.

Since you responded so well to making a difference in q8 I'll leave that alone even though some valid points were made in the post at 11:50pm.

It is because of Kuwaitis like you I fought so long and so hard and suffered so much. God bless each and every one of you! I pray you all will be the victors!

بو مـتـيح said...

Here is a link:

Trina Flowers

Trina Flowers said...


You're attacking me because of what my government has done; I am not and never have been an employee of the American government! And for your information I'm not real happy with them or their foreign policy.

What I did in Kuwait was to try to help victims of human rights abuses and got sucked into the corruption.

In fact, before I knew all about any of that I loved living in Kuwait and was very happy to be there.

I suggest you read a little more critically because you are missing much.

Fouzan said...

trina , yella hiyou. lol :)

الكويتي الحر said...

صح الله لسانك يا وكيح

ما قلت الا الصج

Mother Courage said...


انا قلت هالكلام كذا مرة .. انا اكرة ماعلي جملة شوفوا غيرنا ... مالنا شغل بغيرنا احنا علينا من الكويت و الغلط يظل غلط .. اذا كان فيهم الزين ترا ليلحين ماشفنا منة الا عبدالله السالم الله يرحمة ... وكلام انتوا مخلفات الغزو و هالحكي فالمثل يقول

ناس تحشمهم و ناس تحشم نفسك عنهم

Jandeef said...

I haven't had the time yet to research Trina's story. What I want to say is that two wrongs don't make a right. If you have issues with the US government practices in the US and all around the world, that doesn't bail out the practices we have at home.

Our constition said in article 29 "People are equal in human dignity ... etc." It said "people," not only "Kuwaitis."

For those of you opposing Trina's opinions and asking her to find a different front, speak for yourself please.

For those of you sympathizing with her story, you too speak for yourself please.

As a SS blogger, I'm happy to have all of you, including Trina and her opponents, as readers and commentators. And for that, everybody's welcome to express themselves here.

Trina Flowers said...


Well said. Thank you.

sha3b liq8 & wafra,

Thank you, I welcome ALL comments.

"The lot of critics is to be remembered by what they failed to understand." --George Moore

"Insects sting, not from malice, but because they want to live. It is the same with critics--they desire our blood, not our pain."

You asked me what gave me the right; the following should answer that question for you.

To give you an example of how many expats are treated by the Kuwaiti authorities including those all the way at the top of the Kuwait government read the following:

DATE: 6 March 2005

TO: MP Mohammed al-Rasheedi,
Legal Researcher, Human Rights Committee, Kuwait National Assembly; Jassem al-Qattami, Chairman, Kuwait Human Rights Society; Sheik Mohammed Abdulla al-
Sabah, Chairman, Citizens
Services and Governmental Bodies Assessment Agency, Seif Palace; Hamad al-Othman, Chief
Prosecutor, Public Prosecution, Justice Palace; Charles Glatz, Consul, US Embassy, Kuwait

FROM: Trina Flowers, day 1079

SUBJECT: Request to file criminal
complaint due to denial of due

MP al-Rasheedi, Mr al-Qattami, Sheik al-Sabah, Mr al-Othman and Mr Glatz,

I am requesting that I be allowed to file a criminal complaint against Dr Ibrahim al-Khualifi for his illegal acts that have resulted in three years of my illegal detainment and total loss of liberty in the state of Kuwait (enclosed is a copy of my court verdict and copies of the illegal charges Khualifi filed against me with the ministry of interior). As you will note the date of my court verdict was 12 January 2003 and the date Khualifi filed illegal absconding charges was 15 February 2003, which resulted in an illegal arrest warrant that was acted upon and a travel ban which is still current among other human rights violations.

I would refer the above mentioned individuals and organizations to consult Kuwait's Penal Code, in particular, part 2 "Crimes Relating to the Duties of Public Officials" articles 114, 116, 119, 121 and 123. Also, to part 3 "Crimes Related to the Course of Justice" articles 145 and 146.

Furthermore, I would refer you all to Law 17 of 1960, specifically, "Police Investigations" articles 40, 41, 42, 45 and 46.

It may behoove those concerned to also refer to Kuwait laws and definitions of conspiracy, co-conspirator, accessories after the fact and obstruction of justice.

All I am requesting AGAIN is to have the concerned authorities abide by Kuwait's laws.

On Kuwait's Liberation Day (26 February 2005) the Arab Times reported: "An unidentified Kuwaiti man recently filed a complaint with the Mina Abdullah Police Station accusing an American soldier of making indecent signs with his hands while driving along the Fahaheel Expressway."

Why is it a Kuwaiti man can exercise his legal rights and an American woman can not, especially since said woman has irrefutable evidence from both the ministries of interior and justice?

hand delivered to: Kuwait National Assembly, Kuwait Human Rights Society, Seif Palace, Justice Palace and US Embassy, Kuwait

c: blind copies

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
State of Kuwait
Ministry of Justice
Court of First lnstance
In The Name of His Highness Amir of the State of Kuwait
Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
Court of First Instance
Circuit /Labor First Instance /8

Vide the session publicly held in the Court of First Instance dated 12/1/2003 chaired by Mr. Sayed Al Sharkawi, the Court Deputy and in the presence of Mr. Abdullah Abul, the Secretary of the session,

The following judgment is delivered:

In the case No. 550/2002, Labour First lnstance/8
Filed by: Trina Zaner Flowers
Versus: Legal Representative of Private Higher Education Foundation Company


Having heard the pleading and perusing, the papers:
Whereas the facts of the case are summarized in that the Plaintiff filed the case under a summons lodged with Clerks Department dated 23/4/2002 and served to the Defendant in its capacity on 30/4/2002 requesting the delivery of a judgment confirming her labor dues i.e. compensation of the remaining period of the contract, service indemnity and notice period payment on the basis of saying that she joined work with the Defendant dated 9/10/2001 as English teacher against a monthly salary of KD 875 and she continued work upto 24/3/2002 when she has been terminated. Whereas no amicable settlement is executed, she filed the present case.

Whereas the case is cognized through sessions as noted in its records and in the session dated 5/5/2002, the court ruled for delegating an Expert in the case in order to ascertain the dues of the Plaintiff as fixed in the text.

Whereas the Expert filed his report dated 28/7/2002 in which he concluded to the assured existence of work relation between the Plaintiff with the Defendant dated 9/10/2001 in the job of English teacher against a monthly salary of KD 875 and the work relation is expired on 24/3/2002 due to terminating her services by the Defendant and that the Plaintiff is entitled to a compensation for the remaining period of the contract amounting to KD 2625 and she is entitled to a service indemnity amounting to KD 232.464 and she is entitled to notice period payment amounting of KD 504.807 and that the total amounts entitled to the Plaintiff is KD 3362.271.

In the pleading sessions, the attorney attended on behalf of the Defendant submitted a docket contained some correspondence to the Plaintiff for the purpose of warning. He submitted a memo in which he rejected to dismiss the case and alternatively, to return the mission to the Expert in order to investigate the objections stated in the memo. The attorney attended on behalf of the Plaintiff submitted a memo in which he requested the delivery of a judgment determining the amount of KD 6125 and alternatively, return it to the Expert in order to calculate her dues. The court adjourned the case for judgment in the session of today.

Whereas it is legally established under the determinations delivered by the Cassation Court that the trial court may adopt the Expert report whenever the court is satisfied therewith and convinced with the reasons it is built upon and the report shall become integral part of the judgment. The court is not obliged to respond the request of returning the mission to the Expert as long as the court has found in the papers of the case and the report the sufficient elements to form its belief to determine the case. (Objection no. 10/87 Labor, session dated 22/6/87)

Further, the defense which the court is obliged with and shall confront and express the opinion therein is the substantial defense which may change the opinion in the case and the litigant submits the evidence in its regard (Objection no. 30/84 Civil, session dated 29/4/1985)

Whereas it is evident that the Expert report with which the court is satisfied because it is built upon sound technical and factual basis which are in accordance with the result it has concluded to then, the court is adopting it as built upon its reasons and is ruling for obliging the Defendant to pay the Plaintiff a sum of KD 3362.271 without having to return the mission to the Expert.

As for the expenses, the court obliges the Defendant in his capacity to pay the appropriate expenses thereof inconformity with Articles 119, 120 Procedural Law.

For these reasons
The court rule in a labor matter:- for obliging the Defendant in his capacity to pay the Plaintiff a sum of KD 3362.271 "Kuwaiti Dinars three thousand three hundred sixty two and Fils 271 only" and obliged him to pay the appropriate expenses and ten Dinars against the attorneys fees.

Secretary of the session Court Deputy
Signed Signed
Written by hand:
It is to be noted upon execution that a sum of KD 84.060 is to be collected as fees against the sum of KD 3362.271

Ministry of Interior 10:55:43
The Security Control January 10, 2005

Ban Order
Data Display
Data of the person
The person no: 144409729 Type of the person: 1 Nationality: The United States
Name: Trina Zaner Flowers
Data of the ban order
The banning authority: Department of immigration
Ban reference no: 150304361 Year of the ban 2003 Letter no: 2618
Name of the police station:
Case in the police station: Year: The number:
Case in the court: Year: The number:
The plaintiff:
Date of the request: February 9, 2003
Date of receipt: February 15, 2003 Time of receipt:
Date of issuance: February 15, 2003 Time of issuance: 15:18:29
The action: Cancellation of residency
Reason: Absconding
Date of expiry: December 31, 2999 Time of expiry: 00:00:00
Remarks: Station Al Rumaithiya 27/2003

Ministry of Interior 10:55:27
The Security Control January 10, 2005
Ban Order
Data Display
Data of the person
The person no: 144409729 Type of the person: 1 Nationality: The United States
Name: Trina Zaner Flowers
Data of the ban order
The banning authority: Search and Follow up Department / Immigration
Ban reference no: 150447214 Year of the ban 2004 Letter no: 3351
Name of the police station:
Case in the police station: Year: The number:
Case in the court: Year: The number:
The plaintiff:
Date of the request: November 27, 2004
Date of receipt: December 01, 2004 Time of receipt:
Date of issuance: December 01, 2004 Time of issuance: 16:13:23
The action: Arrest
Date of expiry: December 31, 2999 Time of expiry: 00:00:00

The following is from Sheik Sabah's office. At the time he was Prime Minister, now he is the Amir.

From: "info"
To: "'Trina Flowers'"
Subject: RE
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:54:46 -0700

Mrs. Trina flowers
Honorable lady,

Reference to your email addressed to his highness the Prime Minister’s Diwan and with regard to your complaint ,
We would like to inform you that the concerned bodies stressed that it is your obligation to abide by the implementation of the judiciary sentences issued against you ( Rentals-Attorney Fees ) and that the amounts deposited on your name would be paid out thereafter.
Please accept our highest consideration,,,

Diwan of His Highness the Prime Minster

The following is from an employee in Sheik Sabah's office:

From: "FaisaL AL-Mudhaf"
To: "'Trina Flowers'"
Subject: Stop E-Mailing Me.
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 22:05:33 +0300

Dos the term, "Wrongful Displacement of Anger" Ring a bell!


Ps. Do you have a life? Nobody could ever guess it from your stupid e-mail. Only a lunatic without a job "like you" and plenty of time to devote to studying the most worthless details about there life. could send a message so full of ranting and meaningless facts. Or maybe they let you do research in the back at Burger King... I don't need the likes of you sticking your incompetent nose in and wasting everyone's time. So from this point on, keep your ravings to yourself and spend your time on more worthwhile pursuits, like finding out who really shot JFK! And Stop E-Mailing Me.

Trina Flowers this is your last Warning!!!
Stop Emailing Me with your ridicules issues.

c: blind copies

NOTE: The warning Faisal sent me was in BIG BLOOD RED LETTERING!

After being denied my rights to due process, held illegally in Kuwait for 1305 days, being arrested a number of times illegally, the Kuwaiti authorities had me jailed both in Salmiya CID Jail and then in Central Prison before illegally deporting me as if I was a convicted murderer.

I was in handcuffs and leg irons. They also brought a nurse on board the plane to inject me with a syringe of unknown substance without knowing any of my medical history and against my will!

My story is very tame and mild compared to many others that I also tried in vain to get justice for, but was NOT able to get the Kuwait authorities to abide by Kuwait law!

Trina Flowers said...


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." --Martin Luther King

Trina Flowers said...

q8i in disguise,

it's up to you and every other individual what you chose to believe or not to believe.

Mohammad Al-Yousifi said...

يا شباب

يا شباب

اليوم الساعة ثمان و نص افتتاح مقر جمال العمر

بالعديلية مقابل قرطبة

نبي حضور مكثف من الشباب البرتقالي لتسجيل موقف


Unknown said...

Don't accuse people of ignorance before knowing the facts. I didn't come up with this on my own. One of the members of parliament asked a question in one of the jalsat about the risk of having nuclear power plants very close to Kuwait. A panel of scientists and experts were formed from Kuwait University, ma3had el-ab7ath and other places to answer that question. Their findings were published on newspapers a while ago. One of the newspapers which published a 2-full page report on it was Al-wattan. I read it. It does pose a serious risk even though the probability of catastrophe is low. What is acceptable risk? Would you find the probably, let's say, 99.99999999% acceptable or not? I don't find it acceptable. When Chernobyl happened, Western European countries were also affected even though they're far a way. We're a small country. It's bad enough the cancer and miscarriages cases are on the rise because of the first and second Gulf war. US used uranium (al-'3air mokhasab) in their bombs in both of the wars. Go search for the reports on how the radiation affects people. Furthermore, Western countries are not dump enough to put nuclear power plants on their SOLE water resource. Iran already has its own natural resources so this does not pose a serious problem. They don't rely on Gulf sea like other Gulf countries do. We cannot afford any nuclear leaks on our SOLE resource for water especially we know that Iran uses Russian Technology which doesn't have a high safety record. Iran's nuclear power plant is a serious legitimate concern.
PS- US position on Iran is another matter.

wakee7 said...

ام كريج

جملتي الاخيرة كانت موجهة لهزلت مو لج الا اذا انتي تأيدين كلامه ب(شيلوا الصباح) فهذا موضوع ثاني

ثانيا انج ما شفتي ولا تعرفين ناس زينه من الاسرة الا عبدالله السالم الله يرحمه فهذي مشكلتج وتقييمج بس ما نوصل للكلام اللي قاله هزلت ولا بس الدستور تستخدمونه وقت ما تبون وبانتقائية

ثالثا استغرب من القائمين على الساحة اللي يسمحون مثل هالكلام البطالي اللي قاله هزلت ويركزون على مادة 6 بالدستور وينسون مادة 4